Photo Album II
Photo Album II
Welcom to the Photo Album II. These pictures are sure to give you just a glimpse of what it's like around this house and with my friends. It's up to you to decide just how crazy it can be in my life daily! Please Note: LEGAL: Pictures on this website, although publicly displayed are private for 'Private Use Only' and are the property of the webaster and subjects in the photos. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, linkage and posting of the photos in this album without prior written consent is considered a violation of the above notification and is fradulent. The webmaster will make any proper attempt to notify the violator of the terms listed above and request the violator to remove any unauthorized reproduction of the photos in this album. Non-compliance of this request will lead to further legal action in accordance with US copywrite law.
LCA  Take 7!
LCA Take 7! 
Bev wanted a picture of the palm trees for her daughter. I had a great time watching the airplane tales moving behind the buildings and humming the "Jaws" theme.