
Lately I'm on auto-pilot. Just getting up, dealing with what I have to and then go to bed and deal with it again the next day hoping that things will take a turn for the better.
Last month I went to L.A. for the auction. A wonderful, temporary escape from reality, but tiring week at that! I chose to do that and at the same time it gave me the chance to go back to where I was born and raised (more on that in another post).
I admit! I miss L.A. and the area where I was born and raised. What I don't miss? Is what it's turned out to be. A web of dissillusinment to which traps so many who had such great lives before going there and turning them upside-down.
I can't tell you how much I'm screaming inside to tell these folks who head that way hoping for a much better future in the industry, that you are the catalist for your own cautious! For the dissiloution of fame and fortune can be your ultimate dimise! It's not what you think! Please, PLEASE take a moment of your precious time to re-consider the steps you are taking to 'Better' your life? It's not what you think. And before you know it you'll be thrown back in to reality far worse than what you were when you arrived!
Posted by ramper63
at 12:44 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 11 November 2005 12:13 PM EST