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This, That and Everything Else! A.K.A. Therapy!
Wednesday, 23 November 2005
Happy Thanksgiving!

Sorry it's been a few days since I've had the chance to visit here. Life is life after all and well, it's as usual here, busy!

I've been working odd hours and having two consecutive days off at a time is a rarity any more. We're getting ready for Thanksgiving here and the our contribution is the potato's. Both sweet and mashed.

Although I've tried to get my parent's to come here they're doing the dinner at thier place again. Poor mum. She try's so hard some times and well, she's tired. After taking care of Great Aunt Verlin and everything else the poor thing has managed to mess up the first two pumpkin pies by not adding the cream and nearly had a fit. Then when trying to do the next two pies she spilled them putting them in the oven thus catching the spilled mess on fire. Well, that taken care of she managed to finally get them cooked.

I'll probably get up fairly early to get the potatos going and then head over to help her with the turkey and the rest of the food we tend to gorge our selves with.

Then it's going to be an early day. I have to be at work by 5:45am Friday for all of the LOVELY holiday shoppers in a hurry to get the best deal. -shrug- go figure! There's always a sale! I never understood the need to bust open store doors that early for things that will be on sale through out the holiday season but hey, it pays the bills.

Anyhoo, off to talk about more topics.



Posted by ramper63 at 11:30 PM EST

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