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This, That and Everything Else! A.K.A. Therapy!
Monday, 16 January 2006
'The Money Pit' revisited! - Bare Bones Bathroom!
Mood:  rushed

Yep! As it says! The only thing that now resembles a bathroom in my house is a toilet and the floor. Otherwise, the walls, ceiling and old tub are all down and headed to the dump.

Between work and the other 'normal' every day craziness around here I now have to start putting it all back together in the spare time that is rare anymore around here before my parents lock us out of the house for using their shower way too much. I'm hoping in the long run(as in investment for selling)it'll all be worth it.

Anywho, a little 'funny' (?) during the destruction and clean-up. Whilst taking the shop-vac to the left-over plaster and lath dust I managed to get so 'in' to getting all of the crap up, feverishly going around the entire room and framing to get it done as soon as possible I forgot that the extension cord coil was placed on a not so sturdy nail above the water lines leading to the old vanity. Well, I turned to pick something up and bumped my ass end in to the coil knocking it off.

Beyond the racket of the vac I hear this 'hissing' sound. In a split second I turn around and discover what that sound was. It was what was left of the cold water line that led up to the old vanity having been broken and spewing a stream of water all over the bathroom and remaining plaster dust. I stood there for another second with the shop-vac still running before it clicked in, 'broken water line, running shop-vac, electricty........SHIT!!!!!!! While un-plugging the vac I yell to my son '.......TURN THE WATER OFF IN THE BASEMENT!' Son, quick to his feet ran down the stairs and managed to turn off the correct main feed valve to the bathroom in less than 10 seconds!

Whew! That done it was time to act quick to soak up the water on the floor as well as the water that found it's way to the holes in the floor leading to the newer in the kitchen and lighting fixtures before anymore damage could be done!

What's to come in the following week? Well, you guessed it. Time allowing I'll update the best I can, but it's going to be a full week at that. I need to get the , dry-wall, tub framing and supports up, tub in. Mud the walls, ceiling sand and prime, paint Go over screw holes and all that with filler, sand and seal so I can put up the . Prime the and then paint.

Hopefully, after all of this is done I'll have a close to as possible 'period style' bathroom of that from the year it was built, 1918.

If I'm lucky I'll have some time to get some pictures of the progress so you can see everything I've been talking about.

In the mean time, it's back to work!



Posted by ramper63 at 11:20 AM EST

Monday, 16 January 2006 - 9:59 PM EST

Wow. I always knew you had a destructive ass. Now it is proven. Not lifting anything over 25 pounds are you?


Monday, 16 January 2006 - 10:00 PM EST

Mary - you need to start your own construction company! I read what you are capable of doing - and I've seen your work so I know you are good - and I am ashamed to say that I haven't manage to hang a picture by myself yet.....


Tuesday, 17 January 2006 - 9:47 AM EST

Nope! Been behaving myself!


Tuesday, 17 January 2006 - 9:48 AM EST

Dear, Dear Bev!

My own construction company? Thanks! I like to plan things and put ideas out! But I think I might be more geared for a destruction company. I'm better at that than building. Besides, it's much easier taking stuff down.
Not much thinking involved. Just a hammer, pry bar and pent up frustration to fuel the job! ;^)

Don't worry about those pictures, honey! Just you wait until I come over again. We'll see how much longer you wait to hang those pictures!



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