Hi gang!
Yep! I'm working as a Flight Attendant now. Currently in Richmond, Virginia waiting to get ready for my next set of flights.
My class graduated last Friday and then we were sent immediately to our base in Newark. Those of us had two days there to find a place to live before we started base orientation on Monday.
Lucky for us we found a crash pad (a place where you stay while on call and then commute home on days off) pretty much at the last minute.
Monday came fast and we found ourselves at orientation. Half way in to orientation we were summened to duty and three of us had to deadhead to the other hub to cover shortages.
When we got there two of us were sent on flights right away while I waited in the crew room for a possible assignment.
Lucky for me I wasn't assigned a flight right away, I don't think I was that ready yet, and was released for rest until the next day.
I decided once I got to my room to call scheduling to see if there were any assignments for the next day so I had time to prepare myself. Well, lo and behold I was given a three day line of flights.
I'm in the middle of my line right now in Richmond and will be flying out in a few hours for two more flights before calling it a day.
Early tomorrow I have one more flight before I'm (hopefully), released from duty for two days off then I'm on again.
Well, have to go for now.
More later!
Posted by ramper63
at 1:58 PM EDT