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This, That and Everything Else! A.K.A. Therapy!
Saturday, 27 May 2006
Back To Work!
Mood:  a-ok

Hi Everone,

Well, I've had a few glorious days home for my daughter's graduation this past Thursday. Yep, she's done with high school and will starting college next September. To top it off, she turned 18 this past Wednesday. Yep, both of my kids are adults now. Talk about feeling old? I can't begin to tell you!

Work has been very interesting. Because I'm on reserve I'm either Airport ready or they call and say I have 2 hours to report for duty. Sounds military? Well, in a way it is! Can't say any more than that.

I've already had a few two and three day trips with absolultely wonderful crews to work with! We've hade a blast on every leg of the trips! Already dealt with "passengers" who have thier own thing to say about the flights and dealt with it all with regard to my job. That's what I'm there for after all.

The oddest thing to happen so far is when the captian comes over the com and tells me to take my seat in preperation for landing and I'm already in my jumpseat: "Mary, please be seated or landing!".......and "EVERYONE" leans out towrds the aisle and stares at you as if......."Well, is she seated?" Um, yeah!

Anywho, gotta get ready to go here soon!

Anyone have anything to say or comment? Let me know.

Chat with you all soon!



Posted by ramper63 at 4:35 PM EDT

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