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This, That and Everything Else! A.K.A. Therapy!
Wednesday, 9 August 2006
Days Off!
Mood:  chillin'

Been a while since I've had the chance to update.  Flying on reserve takes alot of time out of the day and by the time you're done you have no energy to even push the power button to the computer.  All you want to do is take a nice hot shower, dry off, plop in to bed, wind down and then examine the inside of your eye lids until the 4:30am wake-up call for a 5:30am show time at the airport for the first flight of the day.

 As soon as I get some more things done this afternoon I'll post where I've been and when.  Be prepared for a LONG update!


Posted by ramper63 at 3:21 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 9:13 PM EST

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