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This, That and Everything Else! A.K.A. Therapy!
Thursday, 10 August 2006
Flying Time?

What can I say?  There's alot!  Just look at the following cities I've been to over the past two and a half months, not including where I've been this past week.

 Newark, NJ, Houston, Texas, Lafayette, Lousiana, Richmond, Virginia, Charleston, South Carolina, Saint Louis, Missouri, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Corpus Christie, Texas, Buffalo, New York, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Louisville, Kentucky, Cleveland, Ohio, Kansas City, Missouri, Rochester, New York, Minneapolis St. Paul, Minnesota, Norfolk, Virginia, Madison, Wisconsin, Indianapolis, Indiana, Toronto, Ontario - Canada (like that's anything new?), Greenville-Spartanburg, Raleih-Durham (sp?), North Carolina, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Mexico City, Mexico, Dayton, Ohio, Albany, New York, Providence, Rhode Island, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Witchita, Kansas, Dallas, Texas, Montrose, Colorado, Memphis, Tennessee, Washington D.C., Charlotte, North Carolina, Asheville, North Carolina, Leon, Mexico.......

 And that's just the starters.  Some of these places I've been to multiple times already calculating to an accumulated time of flight hours equalling to approximately 200+ flight hours (not including duty time), alone.

Definition of "THUMP"?  Read above!

Posted by ramper63 at 2:03 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 9:11 PM EST

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