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This, That and Everything Else! A.K.A. Therapy!
Monday, 20 November 2006

Mood:  spacey

Well, I just came back to Newark after two glorious days off that went by too quick!  For that much, you could have four days off in a row and it would go by fast!

 Anywho, I'm sitting here in a very full Crew Pad tonight with all of my stuff layed out for tomorrow when I get called.  I haven't checked my schedule for the last hour but I'm sure that I'll get called for a trip sometime tomorrow.

 Everyone's here so you can only say that it's not going to be a quiet evening.  So, I took my helpful little sleeping pill and will be off to La-La-Land here shortly!  I was pretty tired before I came back.  Dad had surgery today, minor of the sort but he still had to go under general anasthesia for the procedure that should have been out-patient.  They decided it would be best if they kept him overnight for observation.  I just called home and he seems to be doing good.

Didn't sleep a wink on the plane back like I usually do.  Just have alot going through my little head at the moment.  Concerned about dad, wondering what my schedule is going to be like this week and wishing I could get trips like the one I had last week!  Think that'll happen again?  Not for a long time.  I couldn't be so lucky being the Reserve that I am!

Well, I'm starting to get droopy-eyed here and my stomach is grumbling for a light snack to help me sleep better!

 More later!

Posted by ramper63 at 10:00 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 9:10 PM EST

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