
Yep! All fresh and squeeky clean!
Shower's all done, I've had a beer or two and am just chillin' out watching the planes land and take-off out of Newark Airport.
In the process of chillin' I took some time to check my schedule and after I'm done with my CVG turn, oh, did I forget to mention that I have another CVG turn tomorrow? We'll see how this goes! Anyway, when I'm done with that turn I'm scheduled to take another flight from EWR to DAY at 8:50 tomorrow night. Overnight in Dayton and return to EWR on Saturday departing Dayton at 5:25pm arriving around 8:30pm. Then, I'm good for yet one more day on Sunday and then off for two days! YAY! Now, what to do with that time!
In the mean time, last week proved to be just as interesting as this week if not more. The trips were not too bad just the usual delays because of the weather. Only one bad weather day and the crew and I wound up staying at the HOJO in EWR for a 7 hour stop over time to get some rest before we headed to Richmond, VA for the night. (Hey Jeannie! Grilled Cheese, Tomato Soup and a pickle on the side!
Not too bad. Nice time to chill out. Then from Richmond, VA we deadheaded to Cleveland to pick up a flight to Montreal, QC, Canada. That's an overnight I'll never forget. Had the best time! ;^) I think this past trip I had the best Captain and First Officer since I started working. I worked with the First Officer on a Dayton overnight before and she's really quite the sweetheart. The Captain I've heard of and read about before and is most definatly a "spitfire" and definatly fun to be around! Can't wait to work with both again! And the sooner the better! Makes it really worth while when you've had some bad days!
Otherwise, not much else interesting going on. Had the turkey dinner at operations earlier this evening. Chatted with the crew tracker while I ate and met with a few folks that I've run in to before in ops but never had the opportunity to fly with yet.
Well, off I go to surf a little while longer before calling it a night!