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This, That and Everything Else! A.K.A. Therapy!
Tuesday, 28 November 2006

What a day!  It came and went so quickly!

I'm tired!  Was awakened by some unnecessary crap going!  Didn't accomplish nearly what I wanted to.  But I did manage to get my cell phone taken care of.  It's been acting up the past few weeks and it was becoming more frequent.  Problem resolved!

While waiting for my cell phone to be serviced I went searching new work shoes.  However, all but the last store I went to didn't have my size in stock.  Guess I'm an "Average Jane".  I finally found them at JC Penney's.

Tomorrow I head back to base.  Before heading back I have to pick up the uniform from the cleaners, drop off the water bill, get some cash, cigarrettes come home, take a bath, get ready to leave for the airport, say "Later" to the animals so they can be pissed off at me for leaving them again so soon, see mom and dad before I leave, gas up and head for the airport so I can be ready for two days of work on Wednesday and Thursday before I'm off again for three more days.

And lets not forget, study and take my six month probationary exam!

Just another average day here I guess!  :^)

Posted by ramper63 at 12:09 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 9:05 PM EST

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