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This, That and Everything Else! A.K.A. Therapy!
Tuesday, 28 November 2006

Back in EWR waiting for a fellow F/A to arrive so we can hang out until she leaves on her trip tomorrow.

The past few days haven't been the easiest.  It's been very hard on me.  And now, if anything I'm feeling hurt, angry, irritated and just flat out lied to!  Guess I might as well just stamp "Clueless" on my forehead.  UGH!!!!!!!

I've had fellow F/A's ask me if I wanted to apply for the Charter Operation.  Honestly, I haven't given it much consideration because I'm still new to this aspect of the industry.  The deadline is soon and well, I need to have  my resume e-mailed to me here or I do it when I get home.

So, to my fellow crew members to whom I've flown with in the past, best of luck when you interview.  For those that make it there you will be missed.  Please keep in touch!

Off for now until friend gets here!

Posted by ramper63 at 9:14 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 9:03 PM EST

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