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This, That and Everything Else! A.K.A. Therapy!
Tuesday, 28 November 2006
Calling It A Night
Topic: Airline Industry

Fellow F/A came in, we chatted,  had a cigarrette,  vented, feel a little better and decided to stay in the Crew Room tonight as opposed to going to that crummy "Trash Pad!"  (Aw Damn!  I'm getting a charlie horse in my left leg!  OOOOWWW!).

The Crew Room Christmas tree is being set up tonight and it sure is pretty to stare at.  I only wish the lights could go down so we could enjoy it more!

Surfed a few forums just to see what's up.  Nothing much in the F/A one except the Charter Operation's.  Pilots?  Lots going on and trying to keep up is almost next to impossible.

Checked my schedule.  Still nothing for someone who's on call for two days.  We'll see what's in store when I get up.  Bid packets for F/A's open the first week of December.  I'm anxious to see where I stand as far as even getting a relief line.  Keep your fingers crossed!  If not?  I'll still accept it.

Time to go to la-la land now and dream of better things to come!


Posted by ramper63 at 11:13 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 9:03 PM EST

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