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This, That and Everything Else! A.K.A. Therapy!
Friday, 1 December 2006

Mood:  on fire

Oh yah!  "Oh What Fun It Is" to be traveling.  After some crazy weather yesterday I made it home late last night.  And what is it with bad weather and Thursdays lately?  For the past three weeks every Thursday it's been total weather caios!

Spent my last two days of on-call in the crew room.  Didn't fly!  A fellow F/A I graduated with was there yesterday and we started talking about the reserve schedules.  She says she LOVES being on reserve.  "I'm getting paid 80 hours for practically doing nothing!"  I'm the opposite, if I don't have something to do I go CRAZY!  Besides, I have bills to pay.  While I'm at it, could someone please explain to me why I was so tired after two days of doing nothing?

Anywho, getting home yesterday was like a crap shoot.  One of the flights I listed for was cancelled and they re-booked me with a connection through CLE.  I re-listed for the last flight out and kept my fingers crossed they wouldn't cancel that one as well.  As the day went on the boarding totals overbooked.  My hopes for going home dwindled.  Fellow F/A and I went for a walk and my not getting home came up.  She asked what I would do?  Even offered going to her place until I could get out today.  She looked at me and screamed..."I dare you to go with me to San Juan!!!!!!"  I lifted  my eyebrow and said "Your first mistake was to dare me" because I LOVE a challenge!"

We both ran to get a computer in the crew room before they filled up.  Damn!  One seat left with 16 NR's listed.  (sigh)  What else could we do?  Hmmmm....eyebrow lifted again.  Holiday party in IAH Friday!  Looked at flights going to IAH.  Not too bad.  Then we came back to reality.  We're in a weather situation!  Getting there wouldn't be so bad it's trying to get back!  (piffle)  Oh well, perhaps Italy in February!

The day went on, we all got released eventually and then went to the President's Club for a few drinks and chew the fat.  Here's just a sampling of our conversation that took place.......

"Two Months?"  LOL

"Six Months!"  LOL

"I was Best Dressed!"

"I was Most Supportive!"

"What am I?  Chopped Liver?"

Two of us on hold with Crew Scheduling at the same time....... 

"What's the deal with this new music?"

"It sounds like static!"

"No, it's The Weather Channel!"

"Whoa!  It's ringing!"

"It's STILL ringing!"

"Damn!  I'm on hold again!"

BTW, I did make it home!  Probably the last time home for the month.  Commuting is going to be next to impossible this schedule and the Holidays! 

More Later!

Posted by ramper63 at 2:20 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 9:01 PM EST

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