Well, another long gap between posts. April was VERY BUSY for me. First three weeks of work I put in 113+ hours of work and I was frankly exhausted when I left for vacation. I think I slept for the first two and a half days.
I wound up going to Florida to visit with family. I saw my uncle for the first time in 20+ years and he looked great! Didn't spend as much time as I wanted to with him because towrds the end of our visit I came down with a horrible migrane. Said my farewells to my family there and then headed back to the hotel to turn in early for my drive to Daytona the following day to spend the rest of my vacation there and visit with friends.
I know what most are thinking, "Daytona? Why the hell Daytona?" Well, easy answer...friends that live there and really no space on flights to go anywhere else.
Time spent there was worth it. I had a mini-condo right smack dab on the beach. Great for people watching and access to the beach where I promptly piled on the sun screen and lay there like a beached whale. Ended up having a reaction to the sun screen that made me look like an albino dalmation. Big red patches everywhere I put it on. I don't know what's worse, that or getting sun burned!
I went back to work on the 1st with a good set of flights but the first two days I worked with a reserve Captian that has no business working if he doesn't like to "work". He wasn't at all fun to fly with, had this attitude of "I either get things my way or everyone's miserable!" Also very errogant. The flight that took us in to our overnight was very turbulent and he didn't take time or effort to brief me on flight time, weather conditions, etc. I damn near hit my head on the ceiling of the cabin the turbulence was so bad! When we checked in at the hotel he promptly got his room key, waitied for the First Officer and then headed to the elevator while I was waiting for my key. No offer for a room check, didn't let me know what room he was in in case I needed to contact him. Then, as I finished checking in he stood in the elevator with the First Officer and looked straight at me as I was headed for it and closed the door.
The next day we were delayed leaving on our first flight. The Captiain and the First Officer (both on reserve), were suppose to be finished (?) after they returned to base. The First Officer's cell phone rang and he picked it up. It was scheduling calling to advise he and the Captian that thier pairing was modified with another flight. When the First Officer told the Captain about the call the Captain proceeded, in front of the passengers, to ridicule the First Officer for even answering the phone if it was Crew Scheduling calling. You could tell the First Officer wasn't pleased at all to continue with this jerk. I felt for him! My opinion? What an ASS that Captain was and I was more than glad to see him off of the rest of the pairing. The new Captain and First Officer for the balance of my pairing were very pleasant and fun to work with. Just goes to show that you do have to deal with some real schmucks no matter where you work!
Otherwise, I'm sitting here anxiously awaiting the bid schedule for June to finalize. The question bodes, "Hard Line or Relief Line?" The bid for the month could have me at a bid seniority of say 200 for the hard line bid and it winds up actually being 220 for relief! AAAArrrrggghhh! What a tease! It's a little frustrating to say the least but at least I have had a line of some sorts since January.
Time to check the bid awards. Keep your fingers crossed and I'll let you know what happens!