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This, That and Everything Else! A.K.A. Therapy!
Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Mood:  lazy
Topic: Airline Industry

Sorry it's been a while since posting.  I've just been too lazy or otherwise too busy to post.

Update in brief:

I Lost my "Other Mommy" a week and a half ago to diabetes and congestive heart failure.  Although sad about her loss her long suffering is over.  I'm just down on myself for not taking the time to see her as much as I should have before she went.  Mommy Judy, you've got your wings now fly and be free!

Working issues:  My schedule isn't half bad it's just the commuting that's getting next to impossible.  The commute is becoming more stressful than the job itself at times so I've pretty much become a part-time resident in base to cut back on the stress of getting to and from.  Passenger loads are more than what they were last year and they're cancelling more flights than before.  They're also cutting back on the size of equiptment to handle the loads.

Last pairing, not bad.  Had a great FO.  She and I bonded somewhat.  And, tops of it all there's nothing like us girls, Female FO (mine), female CA (another DH'er), and two other F/A's getting a manicure on the plane (after passengers de-planed for long delay) in Milwaukee while waiting for long groundstop to Houston to be lifted.  Us girls had a blast!

For those coming here for "Entertainment" updates I regretfully must advise you that quite frankly, I've had enough of the industry.  If you're in to the "Rose Colored Glasses" aspect of it or want some juicy gossip you're not going to find it here anymore.  There are far more important issues going on in my life right now.  As a friend of mine states "That's the end all and be all of it!"

Home:  The usual!  Daughter moved back from university last week and is planning on staying in town for classes next fall (Thank the Goddess!  No more addition $500.00/mo for rent.), and is trying to find another job.  She did however take home another pet!  A ferrett!  This is going to go well with the dog and two cats!  Son is trying to find a different job as well.  But, they're few and far between here.  It's getting bad and we have a Mayor who thinks that free wireless internet downtown is more important than trying to fill the three vacant skyscraper's/building's with new business/jobs!

Otherwise, same-old, same-old!

Posted by ramper63 at 11:44 AM EDT

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