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This, That and Everything Else! A.K.A. Therapy!
Monday, 8 January 2007
Yes! This REALLY Happened!
Now Playing: Nanita - Rose Moore
I'm camping out in the crew room with the rest of my buds :::waves::: and had to take care of business in the middle of the night. I'm in the ladies room finishing up what nature intends and hear the door open, hear someone walk in the stall next to me and ofcourse think nothing of it. That is until... ....I hear this "splatter" on the floor from the stall next to me. I'm thinking "What the hell?!?!?" I look on the floor and see this, well... puddle forming. I think to myself "Oh no, this can't be!" It is! Someone's pissing on the floor.  I quickly get out of the stall and look in to the stall where it's coming from. "Oh schnidt!!!!!!! It's some guy leaning his head against the corner of the stall pissing! I quickly make my escape to the safety of one of the new lounge chairs and wake-up another camper in the process! They ask me what's going on. I proceed to tell them. About fifteen minutes pass before "Mr. Sleepwalker" makes his way out of the ladies room and proceeds to walk up the the desk/microwave area and pulls out a chair and sits. We're sitting there watching him trying not to laugh and wake everyone else up. Lo and behold, "Mr. Sleepwalker" starts making the motions as if he was doing pre-flight system checks and then starts flying the plane. My fellow camper and I just sit there and whisper "Oh my God!"  , and fight the urge to burst out in laughter! We continue to be entertained for another 45 minutes before another camper, a Captian, unaware of Mr. Sleepwalker's actions heads off to take care of business. While he's gone, Mr. Sleepwalker then proceeds to leave his seat and head over to the Captain's chair and make himself comfortable. Captain comes back, see's Mr. Sleepwalker and tries to get him out of his chair. Mr. Sleepwalker wasn't having anything to do with it. He was having too much fun in his "other world". Fellow camper and I whisper to the Captian that he's sleepwalking and it's probably not going to do any good to try and get him out of the chair at this point. About ten minutes later Mr. Sleepwalker must have decided like Goldie Locks and the Three Bears that this chair wasn't quite right for him made his way to another area of the crew room and lay his weary head to rest. Funny but scary at the same time! Anyone else with sleepwalker story's to tell? This chick is sleeping with one eye open next time I'm camping out in the crew room!
Posted by ramper63
at 8:23 PM EST
Wednesday, 6 December 2006
Who's Annoying?!?!?
I'll tell you who's annoying? A friggen' Reserve flight attendant who has less time here than I do and think she knows it all! I've been here for six months and I STILL don't know it all! Sheit! I'm still learning about the tricks to this side of the business on a daily basis! While trying to take a nap today in the crew room this broad walks in and announces to the whole room "I'm here on ARC again! Aren't you all proud of me? Someone give me a flight now, I want a flight now! I can't wait to get out of here!" You know what sweetheart? I can't wait for you to take your ass out of here too! No amount of earplugs and eye pathes would do justice to block her annoying persona. Then she starts talking about trips..."Oh, and then I had this MHT turn! Those people are so rude!" (Thinking to myself..."They were probably so rude to you because you couldn't shut your friggen' pie hole!"). As she kept rambling on I had this pilot sitting next to me getting my attention "...pssst! (whispers) I had her on a day trip one time and I hope it was the last! (signals "nuts")." Solution? Put on iPOD and enjoy! (grins) The only thing I can hope is that the crews that I've flown with don't think I'm that crazy. Well, crew tracker just stopped by and wants me to come keep her company for a while. Later
Posted by ramper63
at 4:58 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 6 December 2006 11:37 PM EST
Tuesday, 5 December 2006
What To Say?
Did ARC yesterday. Got assigned an overnight and a turn for today. Just returned not too long ago and I'm chillin' in the bat cave. I think I'm going to grow some roots in the new chairs here for the night. I'm to friggen' tired to drag the bags to the shuttle are to go to the crew pad. Wouldn't actually settle in until after midnight. Off for a nice, quiet slumber now. Tomorrow's new day! M
Posted by ramper63
at 11:14 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 6 December 2006 11:37 PM EST
Sunday, 3 December 2006
Here's more pictures that my daughter took of Prince begging. The quality isn't that good because they were taken with her cell phone. 

Not too sure if you can tell but his left paw is up. Sure sign to me that he's begging! :^) M
Posted by ramper63
at 9:46 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 8:57 PM EST
My daughter caught this candid moment while I was eating breakfast. Cat thinks he's a dog! Yes, he's begging! I'm suprised he wasn't drooling. 
Gotta Love 'em! M
Posted by ramper63
at 9:00 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 8:59 PM EST
"I Knew It!"
Monday's *Schedule: "Airport Appreciation" - 1400 - 2200 * - Schedule subject to change without notice.
Posted by ramper63
at 8:49 AM EST
Saturday, 2 December 2006
'Round and 'Round She Goes.......
Topic: Accomplished
.......Where she parks? Nobody knows! I went to the mall tonight to get my hair trimmed, a manicure and pedicure because my 6 month probationary exam and review is due and I wanted to be presentable to the Supervisor. What the hell? Took me 20 friggen' minutes to find a parking spot. Around and around the parking lot I went. Mission accomplished! I felt better when it was all done and finished! Now I'm sitting here sipping on a beer or two to relax after the mayhem. It's nuts here! People are yelling and screaming at each other over stupid parking spots. Get over it! And while we're at it......."Happy Holidays!" Until Later!
Posted by ramper63
at 11:40 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 8:59 PM EST
Awesome Video
Topic: Airline Industry
Here's an awesome video on "YouTube" that a pilot made. Makes you really think! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHLlus9AN6A Love the song as well! M
Posted by ramper63
at 11:30 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 9:00 PM EST
Friday, 1 December 2006
on fire
Oh yah! "Oh What Fun It Is" to be traveling. After some crazy weather yesterday I made it home late last night. And what is it with bad weather and Thursdays lately? For the past three weeks every Thursday it's been total weather caios! Spent my last two days of on-call in the crew room. Didn't fly! A fellow F/A I graduated with was there yesterday and we started talking about the reserve schedules. She says she LOVES being on reserve. "I'm getting paid 80 hours for practically doing nothing!" I'm the opposite, if I don't have something to do I go CRAZY! Besides, I have bills to pay. While I'm at it, could someone please explain to me why I was so tired after two days of doing nothing? Anywho, getting home yesterday was like a crap shoot. One of the flights I listed for was cancelled and they re-booked me with a connection through CLE. I re-listed for the last flight out and kept my fingers crossed they wouldn't cancel that one as well. As the day went on the boarding totals overbooked. My hopes for going home dwindled. Fellow F/A and I went for a walk and my not getting home came up. She asked what I would do? Even offered going to her place until I could get out today. She looked at me and screamed..."I dare you to go with me to San Juan!!!!!!" I lifted my eyebrow and said "Your first mistake was to dare me" because I LOVE a challenge!" We both ran to get a computer in the crew room before they filled up. Damn! One seat left with 16 NR's listed. (sigh) What else could we do? Hmmmm....eyebrow lifted again. Holiday party in IAH Friday! Looked at flights going to IAH. Not too bad. Then we came back to reality. We're in a weather situation! Getting there wouldn't be so bad it's trying to get back! (piffle) Oh well, perhaps Italy in February! The day went on, we all got released eventually and then went to the President's Club for a few drinks and chew the fat. Here's just a sampling of our conversation that took place....... "Two Months?" LOL "Six Months!" LOL "I was Best Dressed!" "I was Most Supportive!" "What am I? Chopped Liver?" Two of us on hold with Crew Scheduling at the same time....... "What's the deal with this new music?" "It sounds like static!" "No, it's The Weather Channel!" "Whoa! It's ringing!" "It's STILL ringing!" "Damn! I'm on hold again!" BTW, I did make it home! Probably the last time home for the month. Commuting is going to be next to impossible this schedule and the Holidays! More Later!
Posted by ramper63
at 2:20 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 9:01 PM EST
Thursday, 30 November 2006
Topic: Airline Industry
Not much really going on right now. Just got off of ARC. Hanging out in "The Bat Cave" a.k.a. the crew room all cleaned up. Most of you wouldn't even recognize me without my "War Paint" (make-up) on. While serving my "Airport Appreciation" I accomplished completing my six month probationary exam and turned it in. All I can do now is sit and wait for my Supervisor to schedule my appointment for my evaluation. Keep your fingers crossed. I'm a little anxious! One more day of availability left. I can only hope to be released at 18:00 for days off. However, I have this sneaky feeling that it's not going to be that easy. Weather is suppose to hit the fan and getting out of here means taking a crap shoot. That's the way the cookie crumbles in this business. Finally getting sleepy! Good Night!
Posted by ramper63
at 12:59 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 9:02 PM EST
Tuesday, 28 November 2006
Calling It A Night
Topic: Airline Industry
Fellow F/A came in, we chatted, had a cigarrette, vented, feel a little better and decided to stay in the Crew Room tonight as opposed to going to that crummy "Trash Pad!" (Aw Damn! I'm getting a charlie horse in my left leg! OOOOWWW!). The Crew Room Christmas tree is being set up tonight and it sure is pretty to stare at. I only wish the lights could go down so we could enjoy it more! Surfed a few forums just to see what's up. Nothing much in the F/A one except the Charter Operation's. Pilots? Lots going on and trying to keep up is almost next to impossible. Checked my schedule. Still nothing for someone who's on call for two days. We'll see what's in store when I get up. Bid packets for F/A's open the first week of December. I'm anxious to see where I stand as far as even getting a relief line. Keep your fingers crossed! If not? I'll still accept it. Time to go to la-la land now and dream of better things to come! M
Posted by ramper63
at 11:13 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 9:03 PM EST
Back in EWR waiting for a fellow F/A to arrive so we can hang out until she leaves on her trip tomorrow. The past few days haven't been the easiest. It's been very hard on me. And now, if anything I'm feeling hurt, angry, irritated and just flat out lied to! Guess I might as well just stamp "Clueless" on my forehead. UGH!!!!!!! I've had fellow F/A's ask me if I wanted to apply for the Charter Operation. Honestly, I haven't given it much consideration because I'm still new to this aspect of the industry. The deadline is soon and well, I need to have my resume e-mailed to me here or I do it when I get home. So, to my fellow crew members to whom I've flown with in the past, best of luck when you interview. For those that make it there you will be missed. Please keep in touch! Off for now until friend gets here!
Posted by ramper63
at 9:14 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 9:03 PM EST
It's that time of year again! Enjoy! 
Posted by ramper63
at 9:23 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 9:04 PM EST
What a day! It came and went so quickly! I'm tired! Was awakened by some unnecessary crap going! Didn't accomplish nearly what I wanted to. But I did manage to get my cell phone taken care of. It's been acting up the past few weeks and it was becoming more frequent. Problem resolved! While waiting for my cell phone to be serviced I went searching new work shoes. However, all but the last store I went to didn't have my size in stock. Guess I'm an "Average Jane". I finally found them at JC Penney's. Tomorrow I head back to base. Before heading back I have to pick up the uniform from the cleaners, drop off the water bill, get some cash, cigarrettes come home, take a bath, get ready to leave for the airport, say "Later" to the animals so they can be pissed off at me for leaving them again so soon, see mom and dad before I leave, gas up and head for the airport so I can be ready for two days of work on Wednesday and Thursday before I'm off again for three more days. And lets not forget, study and take my six month probationary exam! Just another average day here I guess! :^)
Posted by ramper63
at 12:09 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 9:05 PM EST
Sunday, 26 November 2006
Topic: Airline Industry
Ah yes, back home for two days off after this past week of work. Amazing I even made it considering the load factors and possible weight and balance issues that could have kept me from coming home sooner. No biggie, If I didn't make a flight tonight I probably would have caught a flight out early tomorrow morning. Left the pad earlier in the day to head to the airport, get something to eat and hang out in the crewroom. Every time I go there I check my employee file for anything that needs to be brought to my attention. Well, I see something sticking out of the file and hope it's something good, like say a "great service" letter from a passenger. Nope! Just a note from my supervisor saying it's time for my six month probationary exam and comptency report along with the test questions and answer sheet. It's due December 8th. Guess what I'm doing with the spare time I have between now and then? Yep, studying, testing. Can't wait for recurrent! Ran in to another fellow F/A I graduated wtih and caught up on sooooo much! I told her although I worked Thanksgiving I hung out at the Holiday Inn in EWR during my pairing. She lives in Jersey and nearly ripped my head off because I didn't call her so I could hang with her family for the day. I laughed and said "I DIDN'T know you were off!" She about thwapped me upside the head (all in kidding ofcourse), and warned me if I'm stuck in Newark on Christmas that I'd better call her. We'll see how things work out. Otherwise, I'm off for two days, head back Tuesday evening to report for two more days (please, no day trips), then off for three. That's probably when I'll try to get started on my Christmas shopping because I really don't see much opportunity to get home after the December schedule starts. The two days I have so much to do between now and when I go back and "so little time" to get it all done. The list is big and It'll be a marathon to do. Just some of the things I need to do....... Drop off the uniform to the cleaners, Buy new shoes both heels and flat, serving shoes (a.k.a. "Cinderalla Slippers" I jokingly call them), pick up some more "Airborne". Works wonders, trust me!, see Mom and Dad (they love it when I come home with stories of how each week of work went), do bills and maybe, just MAYBE after all is said and done, treat myself to a manicure and pedicure. Something to which I haven't had the opportunity to do in a very long time. Anywho, just finishing up some potato soup, cuddle the kitties, puppy and then begin worshiping my pillow!
Posted by ramper63
at 11:28 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 9:07 PM EST
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