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This, That and Everything Else! A.K.A. Therapy!
Wednesday, 9 August 2006
To Be A Flight Attendant - Stewardess, Stew, Etc.
Mood:  cool
Topic: Airline Industry

Okay, so, as promised, here's what I've been up to for the past two and a half months.

 Yes, busy as a Flight Attendant.  And in the process I've managed to lose apporximately 15 pounds.  That can be a good thing and a bad thing at the same time.  Good thing:  Because I put on weight after my surgery last June.  Bad thing:  Because when you're working 16 hour days and have early show times/report times to the airport and the hotel ('s) you're staying at don't have restaurants open at 5:00am and you need some sort of sustinance to keep you moving for those 16 hour days.  Yet, I still like what I'm doing despite it all.

 Being a "Reserve" Flight Attendant means that you are under, as most call it in our industry "Under Satan's Grasp", means that they can call you  2 hours prior to a flight or pairings ahead of time.  I.E. your cell phone rings at 3:40am and scheduling is on the other line saying that you have a report time of 5:40am for a flight that leaves at 6:40am for a four or five day group of flights that can take you all over the country in that span of time.

 Is it hard?  Hell Yes!  Do I Like It?  Hell Yes!  Why?  Well, I guess you have to love what you're doing to just take it with a grain of salt.

 Is it glamorous?  Not like it use to be.  The unfortuneate thing is that alot of younger girls come in to this industry with the idea that being a "Flight Attendant" means going to great places, to which you do some times, and have alot of wonderful stories and sights to see.

 Well, for the most part you DO go to alot of cities and see alot of great things.  But, as it goes with anything you do, you have to pay your dues before you get that far.  And when you start off, and before you advance, alot of what you are doing is seeing the inside of the aircraft, inside of the jetway of the airport you're going to, closing the door to the aircraft, seeing the inside of the aircraft and then seeing the inside of the jetway, inside of the airport, inside of a hotel van, inside of the hotel room, inside of the hotel van, inside of the jetway, inside of the aircraft, before you're off again.

 Allbeit, the past two and a half months I've come across the most INTERESTING things (more on that later), anyone could ever possibly think of ever doing in thier lives.  And for this, all though I'm exhausted at times, I'm greatful for.  Why?  Because who can say they've done this and actually appreciated it?  Sounds crazy, I know, but it's just chalking it up to another of life's experiences and only enriches the memories and stories they can tell those who are curious about what you do.

Afraid of flying?

Okay, I know there are those of you who know me and what stories I've told from past experiences of flying.  Yes, it's still there.  But, it only comes to mind, while working, after I'm done with my service and I'm wiping down the galley floor thinking to myself "Um, okay, there's 36,000 feet between me and the ground."  Then I quickly dismiss it when I start to do my paperwork.  I get so busy with work that I have no time to think about it any more.

My fear came from a very bad experience I had on a flight from Miami to Cleveland to Detroit some 15 years ago when we flew from Miami to Cleveland through REALLY BAD storms all the way up the east coast.

Needless to say, I've had flying phobics, chlostriphobics, etc., on my flights to whom I've had conversations with on why I do what I do and how I'm overcoming my fear and how.  Because I've been taught on how the aircraft works, what turbulence is and that it's okay!  But, told them that I'm overcoming it and understanding how the aircraft works and am more comfortable with the idea.  Yes, I'm slowly getting over it.


Being on "Reserve" means a few things.  Yes, some think that being a "Reserve" means being a "Slave" to the schedulers and the airline that you work for.  But at the same time I look at it this way.  It means that, like anyone else in the industry, you've had to "Pay You Dues" to earn what you want when it comes to a relatively normal schedule in the future.

So, no whining here.  Yes, it's damn hard at times.  And there are times where I sometimes hope that scheduling doesn't call me because I'm tired and I miss home.  But, that's the way it is.  Face it!  The days you work go by so fast that you sometimes don't have time to think about being away from home or when you're going to be there next.  You just do it!  Before you know it, you're home with the family for your days off.  Funny thing is, especially today, my daughter asked me "Mom, when do you go back to work?"  I lifted an eyebrow and said "What?  You want me to leave already?"  She's liking the idea of Mom being away so she can have the vehicle and free-time.

I'll end this post here!  Next post will sound like that hotel comercial with "Johnny Cash" of "I've been to......." 'Cause that's pretty much the case.

Ciao' for now!

Posted by ramper63 at 8:13 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 3 December 2006 9:12 PM EST

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