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This, That and Everything Else! A.K.A. Therapy!
Monday, 8 January 2007
Yes! This REALLY Happened!
Now Playing: Nanita - Rose Moore
I'm camping out in the crew room with the rest of my buds :::waves::: and had to take care of business in the middle of the night. I'm in the ladies room finishing up what nature intends and hear the door open, hear someone walk in the stall next to me and ofcourse think nothing of it. That is until...

....I hear this "splatter" on the floor from the stall next to me. I'm thinking "What the hell?!?!?" I look on the floor and see this, well... puddle forming. I think to myself "Oh no, this can't be!" It is! Someone's pissing on the floor. Surprised I quickly get out of the stall and look in to the stall where it's coming from. "Oh schnidt!!!!!!! It's some guy leaning his head against the corner of the stall pissing! Shocked

I quickly make my escape to the safety of one of the new lounge chairs and wake-up another camper in the process! They ask me what's going on. I proceed to tell them.

About fifteen minutes pass before "Mr. Sleepwalker" makes his way out of the ladies room and proceeds to walk up the the desk/microwave area and pulls out a chair and sits. We're sitting there watching him trying not to laugh and wake everyone else up. Lo and behold, "Mr. Sleepwalker" starts making the motions as if he was doing pre-flight system checks and then starts flying the plane. My fellow camper and I just sit there and whisper "Oh my God!" Shocked , and fight the urge to burst out in laughter!

We continue to be entertained for another 45 minutes before another camper, a Captian, unaware of Mr. Sleepwalker's actions heads off to take care of business. While he's gone, Mr. Sleepwalker then proceeds to leave his seat and head over to the Captain's chair and make himself comfortable. Captain comes back, see's Mr. Sleepwalker and tries to get him out of his chair. Mr. Sleepwalker wasn't having anything to do with it. He was having too much fun in his "other world". Fellow camper and I whisper to the Captian that he's sleepwalking and it's probably not going to do any good to try and get him out of the chair at this point. About ten minutes later Mr. Sleepwalker must have decided like Goldie Locks and the Three Bears that this chair wasn't quite right for him made his way to another area of the crew room and lay his weary head to rest.

Funny but scary at the same time!

Anyone else with sleepwalker story's to tell?

This chick is sleeping with one eye open next time I'm camping out in the crew room!

Posted by ramper63 at 8:23 PM EST

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