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This, That and Everything Else! A.K.A. Therapy!
Tuesday, 6 March 2007

Mood:  lazy
Topic: Airline Industry

Just jotting a quick "Hello" to everyone out there!  Been relatively busy and that's a good thing.  Guess that explains why I'm being a little lazy.

Had eight days off recently but it was anything but time off.  Spent most of my time at home taking care of personal issues as well as number crunching for taxes.  Not to mention getting everything ready for the accountant.  Hopefully they'll find more deductions than I've come up with plus a few amendments to the past few years returns with the kids college tuition, etc.  I could really use the break this year!

I'm scheduled for vacation at the end of April and am still pondering where to go.  Ireland or swim with the dolphins in a warmer climate?  I'll come up with a decision at the last minute.  Spontonaiety is what I enjoy most.  Makes the adventure more fun!

Anywho, off to bed I go.  Had a real early show today, got to the overnite this morning, took a power nap, went out to eat with the crew, came back to the room and felt like doing pretty much nothing.  Still dealing with some issues but want to take my time in dealing with them.  It's going to take some time.

Until later!


Posted by ramper63 at 9:52 PM EST

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