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This, That and Everything Else! A.K.A. Therapy!
Saturday, 4 September 2004
Getting Organized!
This week I've decided that I just need to take everything that's been sitting around and putting it all in thier perspective places. This all started with my trying to find my high school diploma, to this day is 'still' missing! I guess you could say I'm anal about organization. It's always a good thing to have things where they belong in case you need them for one thing or the other.

The joy of owning two kittens. The kittens are getting bigger and thier claws are getting sharper. Sassy's way to greet you is by ambushing you and then climbing up your leg. I now have a nice 3inch gash going up my left calf where she said 'HELLO' last night. OUCH!!!!!!! And.......I don't think I've said the word 'NO' as much since the kids were toddlers.

Got my schedule for next week! Oh wow! One day, Tuesday for a picnic. And that's all dependant upon getting the residual effects from Hurricane Frances.

While waiting to hear from BAX I've applied for other jobs around the area. No word yet!

Anywhoo, my daughter has to work tonight. But, before I take her I'm heading out to the back yard to clean up a bit and get ready to sit by the chiminea this evening to veg.


Posted by ramper63 at 3:39 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 17 September 2004 3:26 PM EDT
Monday, 30 August 2004
Nothing But Chillin'
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: My Own Custom CD!

Well, I've decided that I just need to chill for a change. Here I sit at the computer yet again telling everyone my daily ramblings, when I get the chance ofcourse.

Sipping on some white zinfandel and listening to some calming music, reflecting on a lot of things. Yes, I'm sentimental and tend to reflect on how my life has revolved in so many ways.

At times my life seems to be so busy. Could be because I'm a mother of two teenagers who are trying to cope with what they're dealt with on a daily basis. No easy taks in today's terms.

It can only be harder for me now because of the choices I need to make here. It's very difficult! Escpecially when it comes to making a decision in my life that will change it one way or the other. It can either go good or it can take a complete turn for the worse. I suppose It's better that I just don't think about that and just take action. I'm thinking the sooner the better. I personally can't take it any more. The only thing holding me back is the financial part of it all. One of the reasons I need to take action. I can't get in to specific detail but it's just not getting better in that department. The other department has to do with the emotional. More or less in a controlling manner. Believe me, if I had the means, the action would take place sooner than later. But, although it's not pride, it's the almighty dollar that's in control of the situation at the moment.

Why am I writing this diatribe now? Could be because I'm sick and tired of being treated as one of the kids, being told that I '...don't need razors, personal items....'etc., from the supermarket because we can't afford it while he can go out and buy himself new underwear, socks and what ever he damn well pleases every 3 months while putting it on the credit card (to which is maxed out on his part), while I haven't bought for myself in over two years because I believe in pinching pennies! My kids welfare, education and care comes first!

What keeps me thorough this you ask? Well, I do have that little place that I keep in my heart where I stash away my dreams! This is what I would like to call my 'Sanity Safe'. If only for a little while, I have someplace safe to wander to keep my sanity in check.

Am I miserable? Nah! Dissapointed? Maybe. Don't think that because of all that's going on with my life right now that it's always like this. Frustrated? Yes!

I'm just keeping a space open in my heart for hope an opportunity to turn my life around for myself and for my kids. It's just going to take some time. Like the saying that goes 'Money is the root for all evil'. Unfortunatly for me this holds true for the time being.

Married? Yes, but on paper. Otherwise I really don't know where to pin my status.

If there are any of you out there are married, dating or have a partner that reads this, please take note. Please, make sure that your relationship is one of trust, honour, friendship and most importantly communication. These elements are of the utmost importance to keep the flame alive!

I'm okay, just venting at the moment!

Posted by ramper63 at 1:32 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 4 September 2004 3:09 PM EDT
Sunday, 29 August 2004
Mood:  a-ok

An interesting last week to say the least. As usual, busy.

BAX update: The orientation was postponed until they got all perspective employee history's back from the company they hire to do that sort of thing from. I'm still trying to find my high schoool diploma. That's making me a little nervous because I need that for the orientation (should I be called for it).

Been clearing the house of 17+ years of clutter. Sheesh! It's utterly amazing what you can aquire in that amount of time!

Worked Thursday for 4 hours setting up two different events at the banquet hall. Worked Friday out at the airport for a clam bake and lobster fest. It poured buckets, just as I left home for the job, 2+ inches in one hour, and didn't stop until I got at the airport around 2:30pm and worked until 10:15pm. Saturday I worked a double shift. 9:00am to 3:00pm for a corporate picnic, then home to change to head to Seagate Centre for a gala celebration that didn't have me signing out until around 11:15pm. Yep, I was a tad tired after that. Lot's of psychical work for both jobs.

Anywhoo, heading out to Bev's to burn some very old paperwork that has been sitting here in this house for way too long.

Ah well, I'll add more later!


Posted by ramper63 at 8:17 PM EDT
Tuesday, 24 August 2004
Job Hunting.......The Story Continues!
Mood:  not sure
Just updating on the contiuing saga of 'Job Hunting'. Last Friday was the tour of the facility. The tour went well then it came time for the second interview. Seemed to go okay but was told that I wouldn't be getting a confirmation for the orientation taking place later on this week until they heard back from a former employer and the results of my back ground check.

The supervisor did give me information regarding the orientation but I wasn't going to be given a definate invitation until the check was completed either by Monday (yesterday), or Tuesday of this week.

Although I'm not terribly worried about the background check it's just enough to make the stomach churn. I really need this job and hope to hear something later on today whether or not I have been accepted.

Until later.......


Posted by ramper63 at 2:24 AM EDT
'Stress, Heartbreak and So Much More!'
Mood:  sad
As always, it's incredibly busy around here. Both kids are now in school. Kris in her 11th year and Daniel starting college Monday.

Here's just a typical day. Get up, load Kris in the car, run to her friends house to pick her up and take them to school. Arrive home and I have about an hour to quickly grab a bite to eat then I'm off taking Dan to college. He's almost ready for the license but we're not quite there yet. Get home and quickly check snail mail, take care of some bills, call to get my weekly schedule for the caterer, hop back in the car to pick Daniel up again, come home and check my daily appointments, etc, etc.

However, this week proves to be a bit more stressful than the usual. Sis has been on the 'Binge' for about two weeks now. I'm literally at my wits end in dealing with this any more. As I have said in a recent post, it's time for me and for her to make some serious choices. Needless to say, it has not been easy on me carrying this burden of making that decision for her. She has to face her reality and I'm the one who has to be the 'hardie' in that department. And that's so hard to do but at the same time I'm so mad I could spit bulletts.

The straw that has broken the perverbial camel's back was an incident that happened yesterday. This is only a drop in the bucket to what she's been up to and I don't have the time to write it all down at this point. Otherwise I'm no longer waiting up for her at night, the phone goes off the hook and I attempt to put in a good nights sleep hoping that I don't get a knock at the door by the police.

The incident that happened yesterday comes after I asked her if she would be interested in going to the annual union picnic with her daughter (to whom is also residing here), and I. She said she couldn't because after another conversation with her earlier in the week about going to A.A. that she needed to go to her ex's to get some money, pick up some prescriptions and meet with a persone at A.A. for a meeting.

She leaves, I decide to do a little computer work before heading to the park and the phone rings. It's the 'supposed' person from A.A. trying to contact her regarding the place that they were suppose to meet. A local bar! Go friggen' figure! A.A. and we're meeting at a bar? Liar! After her latest stunts these past few weeks I was a little fumed. I told this person that if she did contact her to let me know so I knew where she was, again. Alas, no such luck. She's at it again!

Finally I decide to head over to the park. My niece wanted to wait for her mother to come home. I get to the park and meet my son there. We decide to get into the long line to get our food before settling in for the balance of the picinc. The line was sooooo long and it took about a half hour to get to the front of the line.

Okay, we get to the front of the line and my cell phone rings. It's my niece. I could barely hear her and told my son to get my food for me while I attempted to find out what was going on. Hearing her a little better I could tell that she was crying. I asked her what was wrong. She said I needed to get home because Max, the dog, had a hole in his side and was bleeding really bad. I asked he how this happened? My brother came over and let the dogs out. Max decided to start running through the way back where there's a pipe sticking up out of the ground where the lighting was and hit it cutting himself wide open. My son hears the commotion and wants to know what's going on. I tell him to hold on. Immediatly I ask her where her mother is. She tells me she called and was out looking at a house for rent (that fell through this morning because she was drunk at the time).

So, I tell her to tell my brother to call the emergency vet clinic and that I would be on my way to get him there immediately. After hanging up I tell my son to go ahead and get his food. I would be back as soon as I could. On the way home I call my brother back and tell him to put Max in his collar and put the leash on if he could walk. Arriving home I back the Envoy in the drive and have my brother carry him out. Max, wound coverd with a pressure bandage that is soaked with blood seems okay enough to walk out and even jump into the vehicle on his own, however I'm concerned about the amount of bleeding.

Trying to settle him down for the trip I managed to get blood on my right side just from his moving. I noticed my brother getting queezy and ask if he's okay for this trip. If not, I could do this no problem. I've dealt with this kind of shit before. He reassures me he's going to be okay.

Arriving to the animal clinic they're waiting for us. They take Max immediatly to the trauma area to asses the injury. He's got a swath cut into his left side from 6 to 8 inches in length that is initially superficial surface endometrial laceration. Another words, just the outer skin was cut but he would have to under go anasthesia to repair the damage.

Ofcourse, as with any emergency that requires service the fee needs to have a deposit. $150.00 deposit to boot. Allrighty, I pull out the American Express and take care of that. In the process of getting the paperwork done Sis shows up pounding on the door (it's locked for security purposes).

They open the door for her and she's crying and carrying on. 'Where's my baby? Is he going to be okay? I want to see him!' In just those few spoken words you could smell the distillary from the five feet away from us where she stood. My blood pressure was beyond readable at this point but I kept my cool.

Both brother and I reassured her that it was superficial, that he was in surgery for the repair and that he would be back to my house in a few hours. As the paperwork was being completed, deposit paid she slammed the door open, fumbled for her keys, to which brother attempted to get from her, she runs for the car mumbling. Are efforts to stop her foiled. She starts the car, irradically pulls out of the parking space and heads in to traffic. I follow for a short time noticing that she's weaving, speeding and almost rear ends the cars she manages to get behind. Finally giving up on my part I head for home ever more frustrated and knowing that I won't see her again for the balance of the day much less until morning.

In short, I drop brother off at mom and dad's, come home to wash the blood off, head back to the picnic, close the picnic out, get the call from the vet to pick Max up, pick him up, come home with a tranqualized animal and cope with his need for comfort along with my niece for the balance of the night and fret not knowing where Sis was, etc., etc.

Monday morining comes along. My mom comes over just as I'm heading out the door with my daughter to take her to school and ask her to wait until I got home so we could discuss the events that took place. Driving back home I see mom in front of her house (they live around the corner from me), talking with one of Sis's men friends. Talked with them for a few minutes before I came home to take my son to school. Waiting for my son to get his things Sis is dropped off yet again by someone we don't know. I can't help but shake my head in disgust as I smell the alchohol spewing from her breath. She's ill, very ill both mentally and psychially. She'll have to sleep it off before I can even approach her with the option of either getting in to a detox program, counseling, etc., or she'll find everything she came here with out on the street. My nerves can't handle this any more.

When she moved in here after crying 'homeless' etc., a few months back she was given a set amount of time to help herself get back on her feet. That time is up now I'm afraid. I have my own issues to take care of and I'm not going to enable her illness to take me down with her. I hate to sound mean about this but unless someone has dealt with situations like this most of your life you have no idea the pain you deal with on a daily basis when those you love are so sick there's nothing you can do. You sit on the sidelines and watch them alienate themselves from thier family and friends.

Yes, I am an adult child of an alchoholic. I witnessed this same pain as a child and swore up and down during that turbulent time in my life that when ever I married and had kids that I would 'NEVER' put my family under the same dark cloud I grew up with. Well, I'm not the person with the disease but I fear that I have, through these past few months, put them through that by default.


Posted by ramper63 at 2:16 AM EDT
'Cats, Dogs and Hermit Crabs!'
Mood:  chillin'

Well, it's been a few weeks now since adopting the kittens. They're growing by leaps and bounds. I have some cute new pictures of them up for your viewing pleasure in the photo album on 'My Home Page', see link: https://ramper63.tripod.com/maryshomepage and click on the photo album. Once there click on the album named 'Furry Family Members'. Let me know what you think.

When it comes to animals I've always been around dogs. I grew up with them and had a few of my own over the years. After the loss of Blazer this past spring I swore I wouldn't take in another pet for a very long time because of the heartbreak one suffers. Well put me to the stake! I now have my sister's two dogs, Chessie and Max and the two kittens, Sassy and Prince and let's not forget the two hermit crabs that are very good at minding thier own business.

Getting use to cats is something that's going to take some time. Thier nocturnal habits are particularly going to take some time to adhere to. Kind of reminds me of when I was pregnant with the kids. You want to go to sleep and they think it's time to get up and play. There's nothing like sitting here at the computer only to have a combined blur of fur tumble by like a furry tumble weed when they're play fighting. I have oak hardwood floors and it's amazing how these two tiny little critters can make such a rumble while doing it. Sounds like a herd of elephants. And I'm not exagerating! Then there's the times when walking from the shower to the bedroom to only be ambushed by one or the other grabbing on to your leg with thier tiny claws and teeth. I like to call it the 'attack, claw and quick bite assult' and then they're off again.

Ofcourse one also has to take in to consideration the safety of the animals when it comes time for bed. Sassie, the female, has already established the box spring of the bed as her sleeping and hunting quarters. For instance, you're taking off the slippers getting ready to hop in to bed and you feel this assult that can't quite grab you from the underside of the bed. Nanner-nanner, couldn't get me (snark). She always makes up for that though.

Posted by ramper63 at 1:16 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 17 September 2004 3:29 PM EDT
Mood:  chillin'

There seems to have been alot of folks out there interested in my commentary about '1-800-MISSING' a.k.a. 'MISSING', see 'What's Really Missing About 'MISSING'?!?!?....A Review!, posted on 12 July, 2004.

If there are some out there that haven't replied one way or the other because they feel a little insulted about the post, please accept my appologies. I seemed to have been a little bit passionate about my opinion on a show that I really did like.

Perhaps my opinion has alot to do with being a little old fashioned in my ways in watching a show that has/had a quality to it that drew the attention of many who shared the same view.

When I've had the time, I have managed to see a few more episodes of the show. It seems to have grown on me a little bit but to me it's still not going to be the same as it was in season one for various reasons.

There are some in the industry (you know who you are), who have no control over what dominates the airwaves and are doing what they do to pay some bills. You're doing the best that you can and myself along with many others appreciate your efforts in doing so. That is 'The Biz' after all!

To those that are working on the show, keep trudging along!


Posted by ramper63 at 12:57 AM EDT
Tuesday, 17 August 2004
Hey There!

Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still running around, breathing, etc. It's just been a tad hectic around here. I don't even know where to start so I'll keep it brief for the time being.

Well, how about updating you on the job hunting. I recieved a call on the 12th from BAX H.R. asking if I could come in and take a drug test the following day. No problem. Went in, took it and passed with flying colours. After the test I had to report to the H.R. office to hand them the slip from the nurse that confirmed negetive drug use and had to arrange for a tour of the facilities on the 20th. I called my brother regarding what happened during my visit and he started congratulating me. I asked him why he was doing that. He explained that the 'tour' is thier definition of 'orientation' of the facilities, etc. So, he's pretty sure that I'll be starting the job on the 24th. I'll let you know more after I go in on Friday for the tour. But, if that's the case I'm taking that little trip I was thinking about to see the 'Hockey Hall of Fame' in Toronto this weekend. Something I've been wanting to do for years as well as it being the only close thing I have for hockey this year with the possability of an NHL lockout. Besides, this will be the only leisure trip I've taken in some time for myself. I need to deflate a little. It's been rather hectic around here.

After the testing Jayne and I took a small road trip Jayne and I took to Monroe to get some beading stuff for her jewelery crafting and my picking up a few more candles as well as checking out some of the new colours for yarn this year. Oh, it was sooooooo hard not taking home some!

I kept the spending to a minimum and Jayne was pleased with her purchases. We got finished our transactions in the nick of time to just be heading out the door to hear the store manager announcing that they had to evacuate due to a gas leak. Gosh, that must explain some of the bizarre behaviour we had going on while shopping. (smiles)

Otherwise, like I said, it's been hectic. Krista started school yesterday so it's time to get back in the groove with that schedule and Dan starts college next week. I'm nervous about that because he's suppose to start solo driving shortly after. Anyone got Maalox?.

Carol was in town this weekend and we girls got together Sunday for our 'Night Out' and decided that Rocky needed to get out for a bit. She's got loads going on herself and could have used the laughter.

We all went out to eat, Renate called Jayne while we dined regarding the auction and getting items out to L.A. That's being taken care of. Then we returned to Rocky's to talk about arranging the airline schedule, who was flying to L.A. on what day, meeting in a hub to all fly out together on the same flight to L.A. and who was returning on what day. Arranged for the hotel rooms and coordinating dates, etc. Looks like we're all going out on the 20th together with myself and Carol returning on the 26th and Bev, Rocky, Jaynie and Renate returning later.

Okay, I have to laugh! I'm wearing a hooded sweat-shirt and I now have a kitten (Sassy), sitting with most of her little body in the hood and the rest sitting on my shoulder curiously watching me type. Oh how I wish I had a camera to prove this. It's just tooooooo cute! :^)

Anywhoo! So much more going on but sooooooo little time to put it all down here right now. I need to get to bed so I can get Kris to school in the morning and a dentist appointment later!

Ciao' for now!


Posted by ramper63 at 4:34 AM EDT
Wednesday, 11 August 2004
Found A New Quote!
I forgot to mention that while Bev, Jayne and I were doing our dream shopping tonight Jayne came across a quote on a stamp in the crafts section tonight. Jayne said this was sooooo me.

'Within your heart keep one, still, secret spot where dreams may go.' - Louise Driscoll.

And here are some Totum Animal definitions that she came across for me as well.

'Rabbit is the Keeper of all of the Secrets of the Earth. The biggest secret being that all life is but a dream we have created. Be in the Now, be aware, and experience every gift of life every day.'

'Horse represents the Journey and all the Power, focus, and strength to accomplish whatever is our heart's desire.'

Fits my description, totally!


Posted by ramper63 at 2:59 AM EDT
Patience Is A Virtue!
Mood:  amorous

Patience for me is something that is a lesson in learning for me. However, as most know it's sometimes hard to come by. Especially when one is almost in desperation or anxious to get the ball rolling.

The interview with Bax Global was Monday and although I was nervous I think it went okay. When the interview ended the H.R. person said it would take between three to five days before I would hear whether or not I will be chosen for a position with the company.

Today while I was running errands of paying bills, running sis to her doctors to get some prescriptions I recieved a call from my daughter informing me that BAX Global had called and wanted me to return it as soon as I could. I thought 'Wowzers, that was quick!" But, the call was to obtain the phone number from one of my former employers to verify past employment. Sigh, Oh well, only a few more days before I will know for sure if they want me there or not.

Otherwise the balance of the day consisted of grabbing a quick bite to eat, dropping the scripts off, running to pick my niece up at a friends house, coming home, doing housework, and then running over to Bev's to drop the table I borrowed from her for the sale this past Saturday (did good enough to at least pay one bill), stopping by Jayne's to get more registrations for 'Lights, Camera, Auction - Take 7', going out with Bev, her daughter and Jayne to the newly opened Meijer's in Rossford to do some 'Dream Shopping', playing with every 'Press My Button' to make me talk toy just because we could, etc., kind of evening.

In the mean time, my heart is filled with a little glimmer of hope on someone being announced as a guest for 'Lights, Camera, Auction - Take 7' this year in Los Angeles, but I'm not getting them up too high. I don't know why I feel this way but maybe it's because this would be someone to look forward to seeing there for a change. But as they say 'Patience is a Virtue'. I can muster up as much hope as I want but I know in reality the chances are 50/50 that this individual will attempt to come because of the auction's locale this year. But alas, hope springs eternal!

I finally booked my plane ticket yesterday. Yep, air miles pays off. Business Elite on the way out and First Class on the way home. Whooooooo! Dinner and a movie both going and coming. Only problem is, no date to share it with!

On a side note, we have decided to adopt the two kittens that we took in last Thursday. Although not much of a cat person myself and dealing with Daniel's allergies this was a hard decision to make. But! When these little stinkers decide that they are both small enough to fit in your lap to nap and purr to thier hearts content while you're working at the computer it's a little hard to say 'no'. The little girl's name is now 'Sassy' because she's a little 'Miss Thing' nothing dare escape her curiosity adveture's , I'm now going to eat your fingers kind of kitty. The other is named 'Prince' because he carries a demearnor and stature of royalty. He's coy and suave' in his movements and very regal in sitting when it comes to observing others doing routine activities. He's so 'Just look at me! I'm cute!'.

Well, time to go. Kris has registration tomorrow for her Junior year that starts next week. Yes, next week. Can you believe it?!?!? I'm in denial. Then again, I look forward to days of quiet around here while she and her brother are both back at school.



Posted by ramper63 at 2:48 AM EDT
Monday, 9 August 2004
Job Hunting...
Mood:  d'oh

....the continuing story!

Here it is, early Monday morning and I'm just about ready to head to bed.

Sis is home, for now and I've got to be rested for a job interview that I have with BAX Global out at the airport in the morning. Yep! Hopefully I'll have some good news before the day is over.

The interview was suppose to be this past Friday but just as I was ready to head out for it the phone rang. It was human resources asking if they could postpone the interview until the following Monday because of some scheduling conflicts. Ofcourse, I can wait. This would give me some time to be better prepaired.

They are coming upon thier busy season with the start of holiday shipments so they are more than likely looking for able bodied persons to handle the loads. Able bodies persons? Oooookay! I guess I'd better get my sorry ass back in to shape so I can keep up. I really need this job. It carries a better wage, has more predictable hours and offers benefits. Something I'll need! So, if you read these please say a 'little something'.

I sure hope they understand that I need the time off for 'Lights, Camera, Auction - Take 7!', in October. It is a charitable function after all and all expenses come out of my pocket in order for me to do this. As they say it is a 'Labour of Love'!

I'll let you know how it goes!


Posted by ramper63 at 1:28 AM EDT
A Day In The Life!
Mood:  chillin'

Here's my latest on going ramble.......

Yep, life is crazy as usual around here. I think I'm ready to just go somewhere and do absolutely nothing for a while. I'm just a little exhausted from a very crazy week.

Why? Well, where should I start. Let's see, I worked both Monday and Tuesday, both very long days for the Jamie Farr events taking place this past week. Was off Wednesday, worked Thursday doing an all day seminar at Lourdes College in Sylvania. That wasn't too bad it was just the fact that sis was on yet another of her all night binges.

Wednesday she had this great idea of going out and applying for jobs. Whether or not she did is only her story to tell. Later on that evening I recieved a cell call from her, slurring, yep, drunk again. She said that she had met up with some friends at a local bowling alley/dive, had a few drinks ( a few? ), and that they were on the way to one of her friends cottages to celebrate something. However, she said her car was still at the alley and that her friend's were driving.

So, there I was thinking to myself again, who were these folks and was she really trying to straighten out her life? Nope! Was I going to let her drive home once they decided to drop her off? Nope!

I decided I had had enough! I decided to call the police to warn them of someone driving while intoxicated. There was no way in hell I was going to let her get away with it this time. It's bad enough that she already has 6 counts of driving violations against her from her most recent D.U.I. about a month ago.

Well, the evening wore on to the wee hours of the morning. Still no sis home. I figured to hell with it. The phones got un-plugged and I went to bed.

Thursday I wake up and she's still not home. My niece is staying here with sis and was a little upset that her mother might get arrested. That was a tough situation to get through but we finally came to an understanding of why I did what I did. More to it but I'm not going to go there!

So, I go to work at the Lourdes College function. I couln't call home until after our first meeting/break. I turn my phone on and have two messages waiting for me. It was my mom calling me. My niece told her that sis wasn't home yet and thought she might be arrested. I call mom, she's not home but I tell dad the whole story behind what was going on. However, sis still wasn't home. I just sit there and shake my head. Yes, I worried about where she was, but there's nothing I can do.

During our second break I called home, sis was there but sleeping it off. I can't tell you how bad I wanted to just walk in the house and take every pot and pan out of the cupboard and bang them to my hearts content until I woke her, but didn't.

I came home, ate a quick snack and then took a small nap. Woke up, called a friend in Minnesota so we could discuss her move to a new home and make plans for the gala for 'Lights, Camera, Auction - Take 7!', and I get a call waiting. I click over and it's Krista. She's almost in a panic standing at the corner with a friend. She informs me that they both witnessed a man stop a car and dump five kittens at the intersection and take off. I told her I would be right out, click back over to tell my friend that there's yet another little crisis and that I had to go. I would call her back later the following week.

I go out of the house, start walking to the corner and see Krista walking towards me with this little kitten following suit. Her friend was persuing the other's but we only managed to find one more after a small persuit to a neighour's back yard. We finally managed to bring the kittens home and settled them in and check them out. One male, one female and cute as can be!

So, add yet another notch on my lack of sanity building up at this point. Here I am taking in my sister, her two dogs, my niece and now two abondened kittens. Yep, I've truly lost it now!

Cut to Friday afternoon. Sis informs me that she's got a date that evening with someone new in her life. I felt like saying 'Will this be Tom, Dick, or Harry tonight?', but kept a sock in it.

She was suppose to be back by midnight. Well, guess the rest of the story. She didn't return until around 10:30am Saturday. Stopped to do a few things and then informed me that she was going to breakfast with her new man friend. Guess again, she didn't come home at all until this morning. Waited up to mind her dogs, the two kittens and reffing the dogs and the kittens to keep them from tearing each other apart. Finally, after things settled I closed the doors to the house, locked them(figured if she needed to come in she could try to contact me for a change), made sure the kittens were secure, took the dogs with me to the room to make sure they didn't make a snack of the kittens and went to bed.

So help me, if I wasn't so damn tired last night I would have taken all of her shit and put it at the curb side for her to more or less get the hint. Next time the stuff will be at the curb, the dogs will be given to her ex and I will close my doors to her until she decides to make something for herself.

I finally managed to wrangle a few good hours of sleep for a change. When I left to work the private party I worked this afternoon she was on the porch sleeping. I just shrugged my shoulders, shook my head and headed on out. I had a responsability to be to a job I need to make something for myself for a change and pay my bills. I can no longer be her enabeler of the problems she herself accumulates.

Yes, she has a problem and you know what? I gave her the opportunity to turn things around and make something of herself after she cried to me that she was being evicted.

She has a court date this coming Friday. The only thing I can hope for is that she'll get time in the slam for more than enough repeated offenses. But with the way the system is any more no one seems to care. Especially for those that aren't willing to help themselves.

I guess the moral to this diatribe is, if you know you have problems and know there's a way out than just take the time to do it. You are the only one who's going to be able to do this. No one else can really help you. Just hope you haven't alienated yourself from those who are willing to help you through it!


Posted by ramper63 at 1:18 AM EDT
Mark Simpson Revealed!
Mood:  hungry

The 'Real' Mark Simpson has been revealed! Yep! Just as I thought, there are Mark Simpsons outside of 'Power Play'! ;)

The name on the caller I.D. has finally been identified as a room mate of my sister's ex-husband.

Whew! However, I'm still convinced that I'm crazy!



Posted by ramper63 at 12:35 AM EDT
Friday, 6 August 2004
Mark Simpson Calling!
Mood:  caffeinated


You know, there are people out there who joke around when they say they've watched too much of a favourite television show that it's called a 'You know you watch too much (insert show here) when...' or Y.K.Y.B.W.T.M.P.P.W.

Well, colour me 'Delusional' and sleep 'Deprived' with a capital 'D' when yesterday, August 5, I was going through and deleting the caller I.D. list and noticed a familiar name listed but couldn't put a face to it. The name? Mark R. Simpson at 12:42p.m.! I was working when the call came in. I thought to myself, 'Mark Simpson? Why does that name sound familiar?' Then it hit me, 'DUH'

Now you ask who is Mark Simpson and why should this be familiar to me? Well, he was a 'fictional' character in the City Television series 'Power Play'. The show was about a fictional NHL hockey team out of Hamilton, Ontario. The show aired in 1999 and 2000. One of the principal characters was 'Mark Simpson', the hockey team's captain.

Gosh, when did the fictional NHL Hockey player Mark Simpson move to Toledo and why didn't they make a T.V. movie about his retirement and the owners and manager finally selling off the Hamilton Steelheads?

Now there's something weirder about this whole situation. What, you ask? The actor that played 'Mark Simpson' is Dean McDermott. The very actor that I run a website for and I had a 'Close Encounter' with last October at 'Lights, Camera, Auction - Take 6!', in Toronto, Ontario. Just too bizarre!

Being a show that aired for the most part in Canada a dear friend of mine that lives in Stoneham, QC sent me both seasons of the show back in February because we didn't have the chance to watch them here in the States. It did for a short while on UPN but didn't stand a chance. It was about hockey after all and at the time a majority of viewers woudln't have understood the basis of the series.

Allrighty then. Where am I going with this? First of all, it's been a very busy and hectic week both home and work wise. My sleep deprivision has been more than the usual lately. So, some things can be easily misconstrued when one is wandering around on only 3 to 4 hours of sleep. You find you have to do double takes on some things more often than you would normally. The topic of this post is one reason I really needed to take a double take.

Now yes, I do realize that there are 'real' Mark Simpsons strolling around on this here earth, but just thought it was funny that that name would appear on my caller I.D. Sheer coincidence! Period.

Anywhoo, back to getting dinner going, catch a little nap and then go through the house to mark things for selling at the annual 'Library Village Garage Sale'. The whole neighbourhood gets together to sell, sell, sell thier old stuff to others who are treasure and deal hunting.

Lot's of other things going on as well. More on that later!


Posted by ramper63 at 4:48 PM EDT
Monday, 2 August 2004
Coming Along!
Mood:  celebratory

Oh yeah, Baby! I'm feeling pretty good today. A friend gave me some news today that just totally lifted my spirits. And, here it is!

Dean McDermott, is currently working on a new project! The following is From Rita Zekas's column in today's Toronto Star:

'Dean McDermott (Touch Of Pink) is shooting Kojak'.

Kojak' is slated to be a made for T.V. movie based on the early 70's classic series Kojak.

More info as soon as it's available.

It's been the usual here. Teenager central. Krista, Megan (my niece) who is now staying with us along with her mother and a majority of the neighbourhood's teenagers have been hanging around here for the better part of the last two weeks. This won't be lasting too long though. Kris starts school in less than three weeks. Yikes! Yeah, gotta get her some new uniforms (ca-ching) and be prepaired for paying for her labs fees etc. Dan starts college shortly there after! Unbelieveable!

Anywhoo, I decided yesterday that the pile of dirt in the back of my yard needed to be re-arranged so I decided to start filling in the very back of the yard with the fill to hopefully build up a little terrace to put patio stone and my chimenia there to laze away the evenings when I'm not working. The task in itself was not without a little pain in the end. Well, it's not quite finished! I was lucky enough to get the pile of dirt to it's new local before calling it quits this evening before dinner. Maybe on my days off this week I'll get the chance to start moving the patio block after leveling out the pile.

My schedule this coming week is a bit scattered. I work today at the convention centre to prepair for a big gala that will take place Tuesday for the Jamie Farr L.P.G.A. golf classic. Not sure on the numbers yet but it's sure to be a big gig. Then I'm off Wednesday, on Thursday for a luncheon at a local college off Friday and then work a private function Saturday and finally a to go party on Sunday.

So yah, the schedule's picking up a bit but I still need a better paying job that has benefits. I did apply at the BAX Global hub at the Toledo Express Airport last week. Here's hoping I'll here something regarding the application in the coming week.

On to other things. I need to get my airline reservations made to secure the trip to L.A. for 'Lights, Camera, Auction - Take 7!'. This way, along with a letter of reference from M.P.I.C.A. I can get the week off I need for the auction. Why a week over the five days I usually take for the auction? Well, because I would like to take a few extra days to wind down and then head over to where we use to live in the San Fernando Valley and Saugus, a.k.a. Canyon City, to get pictures of the houses we lived in for my mom and dad.

Well, time to call it a night!


Posted by ramper63 at 2:32 AM EDT

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